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Warning: include(/var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/sites/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in include() (line 1526 of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/includes/


Warning: include(): Failed opening '/var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/sites/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in include() (line 1526 of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/includes/


Warning: include(/var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/sites/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in include() (line 1526 of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/includes/


Warning: include(): Failed opening '/var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/sites/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in include() (line 1526 of /var/aegir/platforms/drupal-7-2.9-test-platform/includes/

Group policies contain initial, basic functionality for creating empty group policy objects, after which management would need to be performed via standard Microsoft utilities.

Please do not create group policies without discussing your requirements with UIS first.


Create a new policy

Create a new policy:

  • select ‘ADD’ at the top right of the page. A drawer will open on the right side of the screen.


  • enter a display name and description for the policy and set additional settings in the ‘status’ dropdown. The ‘Display name’ field is mandatory.
  • select ‘Apply changes’ to create the policy.


Edit a policy

Edit a new policy:

  • select ‘EDIT’ or double-select on a group policy. An edit drawer, similar to the “Create group policy” drawer will open. All fields in the record are editable.
  • edit the fields as required.
  • select ‘Apply changes’ to save.